Saturday 25th, May, 2024
Helsinki, Finland

"We only have what we give away", the GC aphorism says.

I've been meaning to give this away:

On an International At-A-Distance course something happened with the right hand; many things clicked together in my head and from this came:


Including: The Mountain, The Valley, The Bringer Of Light, The Great Dog, The Point Of Balance, The Now, The Void and an inertial reference framePick up a pick and...

The two mountains have a space between them; this valley is like an upsidedown mountain. So, there's actually three mountains. When playing the guitar, we are travelling over the mountains but also between them. This is The Valley between perhaps two strings: One of the primary places we live in when playing.When we play a string, we apply gentle pressure which is not really pressure.

So, obviously there's a dog (The Great Dog) standing next to us on four legs. We place our hand gently on its shoulder and apply pressure that's not really pressure. What we then realize is that it is part of the nature of this animal that it is looking for balance with the world around it. It pushes our hand back with equal pressure; otherwise remaining in natural Stillness.

So: We gently apply the pick to the string. It's only an illusion created by the mind that the pick is pushing the string. Actually it's just as much the string (and the whole guitar) pushing on the pick. Other way of saying this is that there is a force effecting both. From this, naturally, comes The Point Of Balance. It is worth noting that, if we select a point and measure movement in relation to this point (this point being the center in our coordinate system) and we select the pick as our center, then when we move the pick it actually stays 'still' and everything else is moving. So, when we move the pick we move everything else. This brings different kind of responsibility into small movements.

(The same applies to dancing, by the way.)

When this occurs, we might play the note today or tomorrow or the next year. We are in a position of readiness. But when it happens it happens — in The Now. When we really get into this, we don't even play the note but the note gets played. And not even this but we get played by the note.

This is experiential.How many picks fit between the two strings? Depends on the thickness of the picks but I once fitted 14 picks with ease between them. This tells me that there is at least 14 roads between the mountains.

There are worlds between two strings. The time has come to act as The Bringer Of Light and explore The Valley. The lesson is called The String Between The Strings so there's a question that naturally arises: How do we play The String Between The Strings?

One exercise I call ("better than TikTok") Tick Tock Exercise. I'm happy to share it with anyone interested!

And an important final note: When a bird poops from the sky and this poop lands on our jacket, energy becomes available.

The Strings

- notes I, II, III


We might throw everything we have and everything we are into this void and it would still be there waiting for us to explore itself again. And at the end of the day we are not separate from The Void.So, what are we exploring?


Gently leaning our hand on the dog's shoulder is a point of connection with something living that is looking for balance with its surroundings. And once we apply the idea of the inertial reference frame to this we can say: When we push the pick against the string, we create a tension that is just as much the guitar pushing against the pick. Or there's a certain force having an effect on both of them. But the mind creates an illusion of us doing the pushing.


A note on pushing dogs:It is of utmost importance that one does not push dogs for example near a cliff or next to a busy road.If you wish to join the SBS subdivision known as The International Dog Pushers United, you must push only in a gentle loving way, full of kindness and with a high level of sensitivity. Just as pushing the string with a pick is not really pushing, pushing the dog is not really pushing either. So, what is it then?


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© MMXXIV // Lauri Peltonen

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